Toddler Tips
Here’s a frame work for creating your schedule at home.
Wake-up - 9:00: Get dressed and ready for the day; Breakfast; Independent Play
9:00-11:00: Structured Playtime.
This could be a time where you are engaging with your child in a more one on one fashion. You can set-up simple activities to do together (I will provide more ideas for these in my emails). These activities could be reading books together, singing songs, listening to music, doing an art project, baking together etc. They should be hands on activities which allow a child to build their fine motor skills, independence and spoken language.11:00-12:00: Outdoor time.
Outside time is so important for all of us at this time. Toddlers need to move, splash in puddles, dig in the mud, run, jump, etc. Playing in the yard or taking a walk around the neighborhood are the perfect opportunities for them to experience these activities.12:00-12:30: Lunchtime.
Encourage your child to eat independently by having them sit at a small table, allowing them to feed themselves with their own utensils and drinking out of a small cup. They can also help set and clear the table.12:30- 2:30- Nap.
2:30- 4:00- Wake up; Snack; Outdoor time.
4:00- 5:30- Independent Play
5:30- 7:30- Dinner; Bedtime Routine; Bedtime
This time at home is a great time to get that potty training well underway. Here’s what you’ll need:
A small potty or two
Training underpants (or not!)
A positive attidute
And some pro tips!
Discovering how to play independently doesn’t always come easily. Use our pro tips to learn how to have your child happily playing, leaving you able to get your things done.